Wednesday 16 September 2015

Avatar (2009)

Genre: Action/Fantasy/Adventure 

Language: English

Director: James Cameron
CastSam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang, Joel David Moore, Michelle Rodriguez

Rating: IMDB 7.9 | Rottentomatoes 83%

Avatar a science-fic action film, written and directed by James Cameron. Avatar take live action film to a whole new level involving a new generation of special effects and revolutionary technology that made the film an epic yet unforgettable masterpiece for movie lovers.

Avatar bring us in an epic adventure movie into an extraordinary alien world beyond our imagination.
It was 2154 in the earth, where mother earth is facing its crisis on resources and energy where it consider to be over populated and sick. To solve the crisis, group of scientist and military personnel were sent to a mission to Pandora to find a rare minerals.
In Pandora, an Avatar program is developed to study and blend in with the local inhabitant tribes call the Navi. Avatars are genetically engineered hybrid of human and Navi which is operated via mental link operator. When Jake Sully an ex-marine is recruited in the mission and replaces his twin brother that was part of the program.

As Jake Sully begins to explore the deeper knowledge of Pandora, he found himself stucking between merciless military forces of earth and the Navi. Forcing him to decide the fate of Pandora.

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