Wednesday 16 September 2015

Rocky (1976)

Genre: Action/Drama/Motivational

Language: English

Director: John G. Avildsen 
Cast: Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Carl Weathers, Burgess Meredith, Thayer David, Joe Spinell & Jimmy Gambina

Rating: IMDB 8.1 | Rottentomatoes 92%

The favourite movies of all athlete, Rocky. It all starts with Rocky Balboa, a hard living but failing prize fighter from Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Other than fights, he also works as a loan shark for Anthony Gazzo.
Rocky’s life change instantly when he is expected to have a match with The World Heavyweight Champion, Apollo Creed during the United States Bicentennial which the previous contender of Apollo is informed that he injured his hand.
Balboa agrees to the match and meet up with the promoter. He also accepts the assistance of Mickey Goldmill, a respected trainer who always criticized Balboa for wasting his potential. At the same time, Balboa had also found his love with Adrian.
The cinematic scene came in when the boxing match begins. Will Balboa take this advantage to proceed his journey to became a famous boxer or will he go home empty handed?
Ringside story, Rocky is directed by John G. Avildsen and it's rated as PG.

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