Thursday 17 September 2015

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Genre: Action/Sci-fi/Fantasy/Comedy

Language: English

Director: James Gunn
Cast: Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper, Vin Diesel, Zoe Saldana, Dave Bautista, Lee Pace & Michael Rooker

Rating: IMDB 8.1 | Rottentomatoes 91%

A fresh entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe with a more fun side featuring a group of inter-galaxy travelling mercenaries known as the Guardians of the Galaxy fighting against a greater evil force to stop them from gaining absolute power of the universe. Funny and ingenious, don't let its audaciousness fool you, as this is by far one of the best Marvel movies out there.

Lead by Peter Quill or known by his nickname Star-Lord (Pratt), he and his team of different beings are pulled into what seems like a galactic war for power between the god-like race of the Kree's, where their leader, Ronan the Accuser who is rallying his forces to hunt for an ancient power known as the Orb. In order to defeat Ronan, the team of misfits are forced to side with different allies which involved inter-galactic bounty hunters and the forces of Nova Corps to protect the things most valueble to them.

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