Genre: Drama/Sci-fi
Language: English
Director: Christopher Nolan
Main Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, Michael Caine, MacKenzie Foy & Matt Damon
Rating: IMDB 8.7 | Rottentomatoes 72%
Yet another sensational blockbuster by renowned director Christopher Nolan in depicting the future of mankind where space travel is necessary to preserve the remaining human race on a dying planet Earth.
In this film, the ingenious plot of showing the life of former NASA pilot Cooper played by Matthew McConaughey after the Earth is infected with a blight knowned as the Dust Bowl where crops are dying and thus, rendering the Earth inhabitable. The population of the human race is also greatly decreasing while the remaining dwellers will have to work on preserving life, known by the people as the care-taker generation. One day, while going with his daily activities, Cooper came across an old NASA base where there he meets with NASA physicist, Professor Brand (Michael Caine) where he tells him that there is still hope for the people of Earth. Somehow somewhere, a wormhole or a rip in the space and time continuum is discovered where it will theoretically give the populace a second chance at life.
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